A reply to Anthony Signorelli’s post “What would it take to degrow the economy?”

<p>This is a response to Anthony Signorelli&rsquo;s&nbsp;<a href="https://medium.com/predict/what-would-it-take-to-degrow-the-economy-2c74b5f3d10a" rel="noopener">excellent post</a>&nbsp;&ldquo;<em>What would it take to degrow the economy?</em>&rdquo; As I tried to get my thoughts together over where I agreed and disagreed with Anthony, I found my response growing, so I decided to post this as a separate article on my own feed and reference it in a comment to Anthony&rsquo;s post.</p> <p>Anthony&rsquo;s essay provides a very good answer to a very important question: &ldquo;<em>can we really expect humanity, especially those of us residing in the relatively rich Global North, to voluntarily adopt a policy of degrowth in order to avoid climate catastrophe?&rdquo;</em>&nbsp;And the answer, as Anthony articulates well, is &ldquo;<em>no, we cannot</em>.&rdquo; Anthony sees this as a problem for advocates of degrowth. I see it as a problem for our civilization writ large.</p> <p><a href="https://sjgenco.medium.com/a-reply-to-anthony-signorellis-post-what-would-it-take-to-degrow-the-economy-c4054f13b3f0"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>