Annual Status Report: 2023 One year’s progress or three?

<p>The following report is a summary of the past years activities in the Founder&rsquo;s own words. This report compliments other information sources by presenting a less formal review of the year in the same spirit as Jason McCarthy&rsquo;s Goruck Annual Update.</p> <p><strong>TLDR:</strong>&nbsp;Site/social traffic is down due to founder returning to a fifo engineering role to generate capital to build a prototype but progress (technology recognition) is up from meeting two big name industry players. Recently joined the Interplanetary Chamber of Commerce &amp; seeking to join two channels of the Cislunar Ecosystem Task Force. 2024 is off to a cracking start which may unlock funding and this update is 2 months late because of all the other work happening!</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Annual status