<p>I hadn&rsquo;t devised a specific plan, but generally I wanted to compile some sort of time capsule about the struggle we have endured to continue reporting the news. Our difficulties aren&rsquo;t comparable to the family and personal hardships that too many people are still living through, but we&rsquo;re among the last outlets that cover those for whom basic comforts amount to luxury amenities in good times, and considering that we&rsquo;ve been going extra hard on that grind all year, it seemed like a video compendium was fitting.</p> <p>To be completely candid, my initial motivation was to learn how to use the pro movie camera that I&rsquo;m fortunate enough to have access to through the Boston Institute for Nonprofit Journalism (BINJ), which three of us founded in 2015 to support local reporting. I also wanted to teach myself how to use professional editing software. But after recording my first couple of interviews, I began to realize that while those technical lessons are critical, again, this is the sort of thing that we ought to be documenting, and for a few reasons.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/faraone-writing/local-annihilation-748f6570fda1"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>