Best Practice for Handling API Calls Using Retrofit in Android Studio

<p>When making API calls in Android applications, it&rsquo;s common to encounter three types of responses. First, you might receive a successful response with HTTP status codes like 200/201, indicating everything is functioning correctly. Second, due to various reasons such as incorrect headers, invalid tokens, or unavailable API calls, you may get failed responses with status codes like 400/401/500, among others. Lastly, there&rsquo;s a scenario where network-related or technical issues cause exceptions.</p> <p>Handling all these cases can result in boilerplate code, as developers often use the Response&lt;T&gt; interface of the Retrofit library along with try-catch blocks at each API call. Fortunately, Kotlin&rsquo;s sealed class concept provides an elegant solution to reduce boilerplate code and handle API responses effectively.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Android Studio