How I hacked my android kernel

<p>Hi, well I was inactive for a while because as you know I&rsquo;m a curious lad lol.</p> <p>Some context for this read-up, since I was a kid, I always tinkered with my smartphones. Unlocked their bootloaders, flashed custom recoveries, kernels and even flashed whole different OSes.</p> <p>This is cool IMO, because you aren&rsquo;t then locked on one OS with one UI that and of course you can even flash higher versions of android, basically caring for it when your OEM doesn&rsquo;t.</p> <p>Back in the day development was difficult and easy at the same time, why? because unlocking your bootloader was very straightforward, most OEMs provided it for free (a bootloader unlock code) and source codes (kernel sources) where&nbsp;<em>mostly&nbsp;</em>available for public through open-source distributions, some OEMs don&rsquo;t, and you&rsquo;d have zero chance building a ROM for your device, or you can spend a LONG-long time creating your OWN trees based on vendor available open source</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Kernel Android