How To Build a Home Screen Widget for iOS and Android in React Native

<p><strong>Objective:</strong>&nbsp;Learn how to build a native widget and share information with your React Native app on click of the widget open the application&rsquo;s home screen.</p> <p><img alt="" src="*1uLvioaa_ka0GI42-I3iKQ.png" style="height:308px; width:523px" /></p> <p>React Native widget</p> <p>The widget is an important addition to an app and often a highly requested feature.</p> <p>Unfortunately, you can&rsquo;t use React Native directly to build the widget.<br /> The widget is an important addition to an app and often a highly requested feature. Unfortunately, you can&rsquo;t use React Native directly to build the widget.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Android React