Understanding Activities, Services, and Intents for Android Apps

<p>In this tutorial, we will be discussing the different Android application components, including activities, services, content providers, broadcast receivers, and intents.</p> <h1>Activities</h1> <p>An activity represents a single screen with a user interface in an Android application. For example, the screen you see when you open an app like Facebook or WhatsApp is an activity. Activities allow users to interact with the app&rsquo;s interface.</p> <p>When you navigate from one activity to another, you use intents, which are the fifth component in Android. Intents are used to perform actions such as sending an SMS or email or jumping from one page to another.</p> <h1>Services</h1> <p>Services are background processes that run in an Android application. They perform long-running operations or work for other processes. Services do not provide a user interface and run in the background. For example, when you play a game and your Facebook app runs in the background, it is a service handling notifications.</p> <p><a href="https://blog.stackademic.com/understanding-activities-services-and-intents-for-android-apps-b4834b9481df"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Android Apps