Welcome to Zomia, the Anarchist Country You've Never Heard Of

<p>I want to introduce you to Zomia. Zomia is the 8th largest country in the world by area, spanning over 2.5 billion square kilometers. It hosts a vibrant and diverse population of over 130 million people, comparable in size to the likes of Japan and Mexico. Zomia also boasts some of the planet&rsquo;s most stunning nature and scenery, such as dense rainforests teeming with wildlife and cloud-puncturing, snow-covered mountain peaks.</p> <p>Yet despite its formidable size and population, you won&#39;t be able to find Zomia on any contemporary world map. Or any historic one, for that matter. The reason why Zomia doesn&#39;t exist on any map and why you haven&#39;t heard of it is because Zomia never wanted to be known by you. In fact, the people of Zomia, at heart anarchists, spent their lives rejecting the idea of being citizens and protecting their status of statelessness. Zomia, then, is a &lsquo;non-state&rsquo; space, representing the very opposite of what we think a state should be. Let me explain.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@matthijsbijl/welcome-to-zomia-the-anarchist-country-youve-never-heard-of-6d2172da8ef3"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>