An Obvious Fact Many Ignore about Incels

<p>There is an old anecdote I once heard about an older man with ten children. A small group of people had gathered around him.</p> <p>&ldquo;Why do you have so many kids?&rdquo; He was asked.</p> <p>&ldquo;Because my wife and I had no TV,&rdquo; he replied to the great surprise of his audience.</p> <p>Boredom is perhaps the most ubiquitous human motivator; I see its presence behind the existence of everything and every place. It serves as part of the explanation for a variety of human actions. In our modern world, there is no significant struggle for survival in the traditional sense &mdash; food is bought at the supermarket, water comes from the tap, the police enforce the law to keep you safe (in theory!). The struggle for survival is transformed into the struggle to earn income to pay for the amenities that keep one going, but this does not satiate boredom quite so nicely as the threat of extreme hunger, thirst and death.</p> <p>One of the many functions of technology, aside from greatly helping to avoid the difficulties of resource scarcity, is to relieve this unresolved boredom (many would use the word &lsquo;cure&rsquo; here but this implies boredom is a disease, which it is not). Technology enables the brain to find all kinds of stimulations and entertainment, education and socialisation, economic and political endeavours. TV and newspapers were a prototypical form of this, but now we have the internet, which is a much more efficient and effective form of those two medias.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
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