MacOS users beware! AMOS Trojan

<p>A couple of weeks ago, I experienced a first &mdash; a trojan horse on MacOS, and it wasn&rsquo;t pretty&hellip;</p> <p>As a lifetime MacOS user, I&rsquo;ve always rested comfortably knowing that hackers generally target Windows over MacOS. That said, I&rsquo;ve always installed AV as an added precaution as I know that in my line of work doing web development, there is often extra low-level access to the OS required.</p> <p>I decided to organise myself for a recent project using the Notion app. As usual, I went to Google and typed &ldquo;Notion Mac app.&rdquo; There was a sponsored link in the results list, which I clicked on and downloaded the .dmg installer.</p> <p><img alt="" src="*VqAklPi407nvhu7nR1J9yQ.png" style="height:362px; width:660px" /></p> <p>I opened the installer, which looked strange as it was missing some of the branding, but I didn&rsquo;t think much of it and installed it.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: AMOS Trojan