The Asian American Myth: Effort Leads to Outcomes

<p>Growing up as a child of Asian immigrants, I was raised to believe that if you work hard in America, you can succeed. That this country is all about &ldquo;pulling yourself up by your bootstraps&rdquo; and &ldquo;keeping your nose to the grindstone&rdquo; because anything is possible. Our parents came here thinking that this was a meritocracy and that if you put in the effort, you will reap the rewards. Now I&rsquo;m old enough to recognize that all of that is bullshit. Those of us who see it, are well aware of the systemic racism in this country that prevents people of color from ever reaching the top. Others will continue to push the lie that anyone can make it in this country and point to the one or two statistical outliers of success. Immigrants have to work harder than anyone in this country, because they start off with a huge disadvantage of not speaking the right language,</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: American Myth