Logic Lens™ Analysis: “On American Independence” By Warren G. Harding

<p>When one surveys the world about him after the great storm, noting the marks of destruction and yet rejoicing in the ruggedness of the things which withstood it, if he is an American he breathes the clarified atmosphere with a strange mingling of regret and new hope.</p> <p>We have seen a world passion spend its fury, but we contemplate our Republic unshaken, and hold our civilization secure.</p> <p>Liberty--liberty within the law--and civilization are inseparable, and though both were threatened we find them now secure;and there comes to Americans the profound assurance that our representative government is the highest expression and surest guaranty of both.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/the-logic-lens/navigating-the-shadows-exploring-the-history-and-complexities-of-the-manosphere-96e469dd9986"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>