American Evangelical Christians Don’t Really Agree with the Declaration of Independence

<p>Many American Christians, especially the Evangelicals, believe that the United States is a Christian nation, built on Christian values. This belief motivates them to push for laws and actions that support Christianity in public areas. For example, they often support the idea of putting the Ten Commandments in courthouses and oppose same-sex marriage, citing the Bible as their guide.</p> <p>They argue that the concept of everyone having equal rights is grounded in the existence of God. Without believing in God, they say, it doesn&rsquo;t make sense to think everyone naturally has the same rights. To back up their point, they often refer to important American documents like the Declaration of Independence and the Pledge of Allegiance, noting that these texts mention a belief in a Creator God:</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>