The Difference Between Afro-American, Black People, And That Other Word

<p>Around the world, the Afro-American is loved-and he/she is hated. Afro-Americans are exactly what the terminology is: &ldquo;Americanized Black People&rdquo;. Ever seen a Black person born with straight hair? Of course not, you will never see a Black person BORN with straight hair. But you see Afro-Americans all over the country with straight hair; some even with blonde hair. Some even have blue eyes ooh!</p> <p>Africans are not fond of these &ldquo;Afro-American&rdquo; people. It is like we are looked down upon by African people. When I traveled to South Africa, I learned that Africans were not very fond of Afro-Americans. They called us &ldquo;Black Americans&rdquo;. I guess we were like the sell-outs.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: American Black