Everything I’ve Learned About Gun Control

<p>Like most people I know, I&rsquo;ve been angry about guns in America for a while. I&rsquo;ve long wanted to distill my thinking and summarize several years of what I&rsquo;ve read about this issue. The latest mass murder in Parkland, Florida finally compelled me to action.</p> <p>And the reason I&rsquo;ve wanted to write about guns in America &mdash; despite the many professional commentaries and Facebook posts available &mdash; is that I think most liberals are thinking incorrectly about this issue. Republican politicians are not inclined to use preemptive government action to prevent gun deaths, and they internally justify that opposition by pointing out just how ignorant most liberals are about guns. (See 1:50 of&nbsp;<a href="https://www.cnn.com/videos/us/2018/02/22/marco-rubio-booed-father-of-parkland-shooting-victim-town-hall-sot.cnn" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">this clip</a>&nbsp;of last week&rsquo;s CNN town hall on guns, for just one example.) If liberals were to better educate ourselves, we could take action that would actually save lives and undermine Republicans&rsquo; natural reluctance to pass gun safety legislation.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@mike_dunham/everything-ive-learned-about-gun-control-aka-holy-shit-stop-trying-to-ban-assault-weapons-27131ca4f05f"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>