What do Amber Heard, Fanatics, and a Sneaker Store all have in common?

<p>They have all been targeted by bots (allegedly, for Amber Heard). This sounds like a corny joke that your uncle would tell, and you would need to begrudgingly laugh at it, but there is some logic to it!</p> <p><strong>Amber Heard v. Johnny Depp Trial &mdash;&nbsp;</strong>some&nbsp;<a href="https://nationalinterest.org/blog/techland-when-great-power-competition-meets-digital-world/are-bots-amplifying-johnny-depp-amber" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">people</a>&nbsp;claim that Johnny Depp&rsquo;s Team weaponized bots to support his trial against Amber Heard. The suspicion is stems from the overwhelming percentage of videos attacking Amber Heard and celebrating Depp&rsquo;s responses. There is not a ton of evidence, but it wouldn&rsquo;t be the first time people used bots to change public perspective, and something scary to consider given the future ramifications.</p> <p><a href="https://yofi-ai.medium.com/what-do-amber-heard-fanatics-and-a-sneaker-store-all-have-in-common-1324e7fabbb6"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Amber Heards