7 amazing tips to help you draw better.

<p>I would never forget my first drawing lesson. The teacher arranged a selection of natural objects on the table said: &ldquo;Draw them&rdquo;. I was really scared, as I never drew anything from life before. I picked the easiest object to draw &mdash; a simple tree branch &mdash; and luckily, I soon discovered that most students at the table were of the same ability as I was.</p> <p><img alt="" src="https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:700/0*4wj8eafBKQMacgHW.jpg" style="height:430px; width:700px" /></p> <p>My teacher Mandy Doyle once said that drawing was a mechanical skill and that you could even teach a monkey to draw. A personal interpretation of life in the drawing was far more important. Since then, I began teaching drawing classes myself and then I realised something. The issue that most people experience with drawing has much more to do with their mindset rather than their ability to draw.</p> <p><strong>The good news is, your drawing can improve dramatically if you just change the way you think about it.</strong></p> <p>Whatever stage you are at, whether you want to improve your drawing practice professionally, or simply would like to take up drawing as a hobby, these tips will help you reach your highest potential and grow as an artist.</p> <p><a href="https://anyakuvarzina.medium.com/5-simple-tips-to-help-you-draw-trick-your-mind-to-draw-better-a839bf4b79ca"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Draw Better