Cultish Language and Cults: How to Avoid Becoming a Victim according to the book Cultish by Amanda Montell

<p>Cults are not just a phenomenon of the past. They are still alive and well in the present day, and they can take many forms, from religious sects and political movements to wellness programs and online communities. What makes these groups cultish is not necessarily their beliefs or practices, but the way they use language to influence, persuade, and manipulate their followers.</p> <p>In her book Cultish: The Language of Fanaticism, Amanda Montell explores the social science of cult influence and reveals how cultish groups use linguistic techniques such as thought-terminating clich&eacute;s, loaded language, jargon, and framing to create intense ideology, community, and us &ndash; them attitudes. She argues that cultish language is something we hear and are influenced by every single day, and that we need to be aware of its power and effects.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Amanda Montell