Most Christians See the ‘End Times’ All Wrong. Here’s An Alternative Vision

<p>Recently I was astounded when my partner, who was raised in a strict Christian sect, informed me of a worrisome trend among American Christians: Many fundamentalists and evangelicals&nbsp;<em>want</em>&nbsp;to bring on the &lsquo;end times&rsquo; &mdash; thus hastening &lsquo;<a href="" rel="noopener">the rapture</a>&rsquo; and the glorious return of Christ. They&nbsp;<em>want&nbsp;</em>our society to fail and fall apart. They&nbsp;<em>want</em>&nbsp;our world to be judged and destroyed.</p> <p>She and I are both horrified by this supposedly &lsquo;devout&rsquo; longing. To us, it&rsquo;s a stark, striking indicator of&nbsp;<em>extreme self-centeredness and arrogance</em>.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>