The Allure of Adventure

<p>Look around wherever you are right now. Take a few seconds to take in the surroundings. Chances are it&rsquo;s a familiar place. One you&rsquo;ve been in countless times, so much so that you know where everything is. You could tell anyone the details with great accuracy, and because of this, it&rsquo;s kind of boring. Modern domestic life is that of monotony which isn&rsquo;t inherently wrong, adventure can simply mean doing something different instead of this grandiose journey. The truth of the matter is that we live in a world that disenfranchises adventure both small and large.</p> <p>Let&rsquo;s be frank, traveling now sucks. Your only realistic opportunity is some sort of tour or package which is far too expensive for the average person to afford. You can&rsquo;t really go anywhere anyways. Most everywhere is private land nowadays, and for the few places that aren&rsquo;t, are swarming with tourists and are an expensive, energy draining trip. Even for local adventure, there are not many options. If you live in North America then you, like me, live in a suburban hellscape with nothing but other people&rsquo;s homes for miles and miles and cities are either lacking in things to do or are an overcrowded mess.</p> <p>This is where video games come in. In the face of all the discouragement the world puts forward, video games have come through as a portal in which we can entire numerous worlds of infinite possibilities.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>