Yes, It’s Aliens

<p>There are billions of stars, and there have been billions of years of opportunity for life to arise. At a mere one percent of light speed, humans, or aliens, could explore the entire galaxy. At this cosmically slow speed, galactic exploration would be complete not within billions, but within a few million years. But that is a worse-case scenario of 1% the speed of light. So, once we agree there is&nbsp;<em>some</em>&nbsp;likelihood of space traveling aliens in this vast galaxy, the conclusion is almost inevitable.</p> <p>A decade ago this would have sounded insane. But, with the recent videos from the United States Navy, belief in UFOs, now known as Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) to avoid the stigma, changed our perspective. But what are they? That is the question.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Aliens