Covehithe: Algorithmic landscape

<p>Covehithe is an expression of my deep connection to a remote stretch of coastline near my hometown in England. Rather than setting out to create literal landscape scenes I wanted to find a new authentically algorithmic interpretation of the landscape. This means using certain rudiments of landscape art as primitives in a process that is true to generative art making. Covehithe is my most evolved work to-date in terms of combining multiple texture algorithms in an attempt to create surfaces that look like they have been abraded and discolored by the churning of the sea. Another key goal of this work is to capture the sense of nostalgia, mystery and ambiance I associate with Covehithe. This expressly emotive concern I feel has not been explored so much within generative art.</p> <p>Many of my ancestors stretching back at least five generations were seafarers from this small area of coastal Suffolk. Having spent countless hours walking along this coast, the dark tumultuous sea, the inclement weather, the primordial spectacle of rapidly eroding cliffs and shifting shingle banks, are deeply imprinted into my artistic vision. Spending time at Covehithe often fills me with a complex tapestry of emotions that somehow meld with the spirit of the land. I feel good art has the power to convey a paradox of thought and feeling. My hope with this series is to simultaneously make art that looks familiar and at the same time fresh and with a very specific blend of belonging and awe; melancholy and rejuvenation; comfort and exposure.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>