Algorithmic Dysphoria: The Transgender Experience in a Data-Driven World

<p>You don&rsquo;t notice some patterns exist until you start breaking them. Like a daily routine that you don&rsquo;t notice until you miss an alarm, the unspoken rules, expectations, and assumptions present in our everyday interactions lay as dormant subtext, only bubbling to the surface when someone rocks the boat. This is the case for many transgender individuals, including myself, who begin to focus more on what it actually means to be &ldquo;masculine&rdquo; or &ldquo;feminine&rdquo; as they start to question their own place within that spectrum. As a result, transgender people can often hyper-fixate on which aspects of themselves are masculine or feminine: which parts of their body or fashion give a more &ldquo;feminine silhouette,&rdquo; which subtle movements or stances give off more &ldquo;masculine energy,</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>