Alcohol vs Cannabis: Which One Is Worse For Your Health?

<p>You may have had this debate before,&nbsp;<strong><em>what&rsquo;s worse? Alcohol or Cannabis?</em></strong>&nbsp;Well, the British public has answered! Back in 2019 a&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">survey</a>&nbsp;was conducted by 1,690 Brits, 20% said Cannabis is harmful and a further 31 % said it is fairly likely to cause damage. Only 6% believe it would not cause damage! However, a vast majority of the public support the legalisation of Cannabis for medical use. Similarly, 56% -More than half of Americans believe Cannabis is somewhat harmful, according to a Gallop poll.</p> <p>According to an online survey by<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">&nbsp;Pew Research centre&rsquo;s American trend panel</a>, An overwhelming majority of Americans &mdash; about 91% say Marijuana should be legal either for medical and recreational use; 32% agree that it should be legal just for medical use and only 8% prefer to keep Cannabis illegal. This was based on a panel of 10,000 adults selected at random from the entire U.S.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>