It’s Complicated: Gabrielle Chanel: Fashion Manifesto @ Victoria & Albert Museum, London

<p>More than little black dresses, this was Chanel in colour, with sparkles, sequins and feathers! As well as focusing on her everyday &lsquo;lounge&rsquo; wear, we also got to see her evening dresses and cocktail suits, suits in an array of rainbow colours, her use of florals and patterns, and practical, collapsible hats. A gold cape dress!</p> <p>Sleekly displayed, there was a whole room dedicated to Chanel perfumers and cosmetics, displayed in cabinets mimicking the Chanel perfume bottle.</p> <p>It was a revelation to see how much Chanel used pattern, colours and delicate textiles &mdash; fringes and flounces of lace, florals (in pattern and cut outs), sequins. It was all about the look and styling. Whilst encouraging movement and simplicity of style. Chanel red and blue were equally astounding &mdash; not just neutrals and black! (and often used in velvets too). Intriguingly Chanel used some British manufacturers, patenting some abstract fabrics in the UK for a venture which was never fully realised. Chanel also used Tweed &mdash; who knew?!</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Albert Museum