2024 Akashic Forecast: Redefining Yourself

<p>Today, we&rsquo;re diving into the 2024 Akashic Forecast and its theme &ldquo;Redefining Yourself&rdquo; to uncover what the Akasha forecasts for the year ahead and the energy we&rsquo;ll be experiencing.</p> <p>The year 2024 is a Dragon year (Chinese astrology), an 8-year (numerology), and a Strength year (tarot). And because Pluto is transitioning into Aquarius full-time this year, it&rsquo;s the beginning of a NEW 20-year cycle!</p> <p>Suffice it to say, 2024 is a MAJOR shift in energy, priorities, and direction. Therefore, the more intention you bring to entering it and working through it &mdash; the Better.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/new-earth-consciousness/2024-akashic-forecast-redefining-yourself-3bb26f74c5f5"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>