How to Travel the City of Buenos Aires on a Budget

<p>I&rsquo;ve now spent a month in Ciudad Aut&oacute;noma de Buenos Aires, my new home for the next months.</p> <p>I&rsquo;ve overspent on groceries, gotten lost finding my way, played myself for not knowing the locals&rsquo; hacks, and learned from lots and lots of mistakes.</p> <p>Now that I know better, I tell my family, friends, and other visitors, what I wished I had known before moving to Argentina.</p> <p>If you&rsquo;re looking to visit Argentina soon, here are some travel hacks for you to consider.</p> <h2><strong>Get more out of your buck by exchanging cash at a &ldquo;casa de cambio&rdquo; or money at a WesternUnion.</strong></h2> <p>There are two&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">dollar exchange rates</a>&nbsp;here in Argentina &mdash; an informal and an official one. The informal rate gives you a higher value of Argentine pesos per US dollar &mdash; almost double the amount &mdash; than the official rate.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Aires Budget