Essential Facts to Know Before Visiting Buenos Aires Argentina

<p><strong>Buenos Aires (Argentina)</strong>&nbsp;is, without question, one of the capitals of&nbsp;<strong>South America</strong>. Its metropolitan vibe, its blending of cultures from all five continents, its wide, modern avenues&hellip; All of this makes&nbsp;<strong>Buenos Aires</strong>&nbsp;a true delight for travelers who visit&nbsp;<strong>Argentina</strong>&nbsp;in search of South America tours and adventures. In this city, everything has a special charm: from the unique architecture with European influences to its lively nightlife, including all the flagship products from Argentina: Argentinean&nbsp;<em>Asado</em>, football and&nbsp;<strong>tango</strong>.</p> <p><img alt="" src="*ncWlcVNAH3yx1dN_.jpg" style="height:400px; width:650px" /></p> <p>Indeed,&nbsp;<strong><em>Buenos Aires</em></strong>&nbsp;is the birthplace of&nbsp;<strong>tango music</strong>, a magical, passionate genre that was declared a&nbsp;<em>World Intangible Cultural Heritage</em>&nbsp;by UNESCO. And tango is the perfect symbol for the city, carrying the same immigration essence of&nbsp;<strong>Buenos Aries</strong>&nbsp;and the same passion you&rsquo;ll notice in its inhabitants &mdash; or porte&ntilde;os.&nbsp;</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>