How London hosts can manage around Airbnb’s 90-day limit

<p>With a large number of multi-platform channel managers available that provide easy property listing, pricing and calendar management across these websites, this is increasingly convenient and affordable to do. However, here are some other options to manage around the 90-day limit legally.</p> <h1>Getting a guest house license</h1> <p>London property owners can apply for planning permission from their local council to change their property use class from&nbsp;<strong>C3</strong>&nbsp;(Dwelling House) to&nbsp;<strong>C1</strong>&nbsp;(Hotels, Boarding Houses, Guest Houses). However, the planning application process can take up to 6 months and is bureaucratic and costly, while the likelihood of obtaining approval is low. This option is only worthwhile for those hosts who expect short-lets to be their main income over the next few years.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>