The Help (2011) — What gives Aibileen the courage to shout

<p>Aibileen is an African-American maid living in Jackson Mississippi. She cares for Elizabeth&rsquo;s daughter, Mae Mobley, whom Elizabeth herselr doesn`t treat well. &ldquo;You is Kind, You is Smart, You is Important&rdquo; that Aibileen tell Mae Mobley is not only for the white baby child herself, but also for us the audiences watching this movie and also for the black nanny herself. This movie &ldquo;The Help (2011)&rdquo; is about the change that begins by repeatedly saying the phrase &ldquo;You is Kind, You is Smart, You is Important&rdquo;.</p> <p><img alt="" src="*JaMNDjUk6lqoOXgBNv1p0w.png" style="height:227px; width:403px" /></p> <p>Skeeter&rsquo;s friends can&rsquo;t understand why Skeeter never get married | &copy; DreamWorks</p> <p>The year 1963 was the last year of the young president, John F. Kennedy, and a period when Martin Luther King was present. In the southern US state Jackson Mississippi, white people kept black housekeepers and lived with them. One of the white women named Skeeter doesn&rsquo;t care about meeting men but wants to work solely from her own ability. She is different from her white friends whose goal of life is marrying well.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>