AI4ALL to Launch New Ignite Accelerator Program, Applications Now Open

<p>&ldquo;AI4ALL Ignite was born out of the experience we&rsquo;ve gained over the last six years working to make professional roles in AI more accessible to students who don&rsquo;t see themselves represented in the greater tech community,&rdquo; said Sean Peters, VP of Programs and Operations at AI4ALL. &ldquo;We are consistently implementing insights received from higher education partners as well as corporate sponsors regarding the ever-evolving skills necessary for a career in AI. Our new program allows students to gain experience and build portfolio material that can best position them for success upon entering the workforce and further, help create a more diverse and equitable workforce in AI in the years to come.&rdquo;</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: AI4ALL Launch