The Trillion Dollar AI Question

<p>Right now, generative artificial intelligence feels like an unnervingly good magic trick.</p> <p>Every time I&rsquo;ve messed with it, I&rsquo;ve found it to be impressive, but not quite yet useful. Its output is, at the moment, too generic and inaccurate for me to actually rely on it for something that matters, but it&rsquo;s easy to imagine a version of it that is quite capable.</p> <p>If AI becomes genuinely useful &mdash; if these systems can sort through data, generate information, and even analyze the world around them the way their creators say they will &mdash; this industry will become one of the most important in the world.</p> <p>If, that is, it can make money.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Dollar