I Can’t Believe Born Again Christians.

<p>It seems like all I am hearing nowadays is how well Trump is doing amongst born-again Christians and how they could be crucial to his re-election bid. One might ask why a thrice-divorced, serial lying, misogynist, racist, rapist, who could not name a favorite passage from the Bible, would be the darling of the Christian right. The answer is simple: he hates the same people they do.</p> <p>Christian conservatives constantly deride the LGBTQ community and have vowed to overturn Obergefell v. Hodges, which grants the right to marry to same-sex couples. They also want to roll back any legislation that grants the LGBTQ community the same rights and freedoms that every American has. They have gone so far as to propose legislation to deny any medical care for transgender children and to legally punish the parents of transgender youth, and also to remove those children from their parents.</p> <p><a href="https://stephensoviesblog.com/i-cant-believe-born-again-christians-8bdad9ab1860"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>