The Let-Them-Eat-Cake Supreme Court Striking Down Affirmative Action

<p>In overturning affirmative action in higher education the Supreme (Trump) Court does make clear it plans to be consistent. It is going to be perfectly consistent.</p> <p>What we learned from the&nbsp;<em>Dobbs</em>&nbsp;decision still holds true as evidenced by the most recent opinions of this radical conservative majority: 1) established precedent means nothing and can be discarded on a whim, 2) an &ldquo;originalist&rdquo; interpretation of the Constitution is a disingenuous matter of convenience, and 3) the conservative majority is&nbsp;<strong>purely a collection of political actors</strong>&nbsp;serving the interests and aims of&nbsp;<strong>radical</strong>&nbsp;right politicians to impose an agenda that could never successfully be imposed&nbsp;<em>democratically&nbsp;</em>(that agenda being opposed, depending on the issue, by anywhere from 60% to 80% of US citizens).</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>