How 7 Things About You Affect Your Judgment

<p><strong>Occupation/Profession</strong>: How does a hammer see the world? To what extent does your job or profession affect&nbsp;<em>your</em>&nbsp;view of the world, human nature, and yourself by predisposing you to see everyone and everything through its prism? What do doctors, bankers, psychologists, lawyers, musicians, policemen, clergymen, or politicians talk about at home? What do they see as most important? Known as professional deformation or occupational psychosis, this predisposition to see everything in terms of one&rsquo;s profession could be minimized by a broad education, hobbies, and outside interests that would bring balance and a wider perspective on life.</p> <p>They tell the story of a physicist, a psychologist, and a clergyman who were walking along a path at the side of a river. In the distance they see a man jump from a high bridge to his death. The psychologist thinks, &ldquo;Why did he do it?&rdquo; The clergyman thinks, &ldquo; I wonder if he had time to repent?&rdquo; And the physicist thinks, &ldquo;How long will it take to him reach the water?&rdquo;</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>