Yes, Cannabis Will Grow in an AeroGarden Device

<p>There was a kind of boredom that happened during the pandemic shutdown in 2020 that we may never feel again. It felt like you couldn&rsquo;t go anywhere or do anything that didn&rsquo;t involve puttering around your home like a 70-year-old. Knitting was suddenly hot. Home improvement projects abounded. Gardening was suddenly something a lot of us began to dig as a new hobby. We became more comfortable with puns.</p> <p>It may have happened that during this extended period of new-hobby adoption and exploration of The Old Ways that one might have purchased a gadget called an AeroGarden to grow veggies and herbs. AeroGardens, which can grow plants out of Keurig-like seed pods with only water and liquid nutrients, were hard to find last year as the pandemic increased demand. They were&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">coveted by people like me</a>&nbsp;who wanted to learn how to garden and grow edible crops, but were also really bad at growing plants with soil and sunshine and water.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>