“He Will Come Like a Thief in The Night”: An Advent Reflection

<p>I&rsquo;ve only had that experience once. It happened well over 30 years ago when I served my curacy (trainee vicar) on a tough housing estate on the outskirts of Bradford, my home city in the North of England.</p> <p>I heard a noise upstairs &mdash; and for a while, I assumed it was my (then) wife clattering around in the spare bedroom. Eventually, I realised she was downstairs, so I hot-footed up the stairs to find a teenage boy who was obviously high on something.</p> <p><em>I don&rsquo;t know who was more surprised &mdash; him or me. He turned tail and jumped out of the window he entered through. I tried to grab him, but he shed his coat like a snake&rsquo;s skin, leaving me grasping his dirty, wet anorak.</em></p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/inspire-believe-grow/he-will-come-like-a-thief-in-the-night-an-advent-reflection-004cc6775e4a"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>