What to do when your adult friend is late-diagnosed as autistic

<p>After I received my formal diagnosis, I had to navigate the experience of telling my friends and family. It was mostly awful and just added to how traumatic a late-in-life autism diagnosis is.</p> <p>At the time I didn&rsquo;t have the words to articulate what was going on and what I needed or wanted from them. I was just learning about it all myself and not only was I having to figure out what exactly autism was, but I also had to figure out how to coach my friends at the same time. It was exhausting.</p> <p>If your friend has just been diagnosed, or if you&rsquo;ve been diagnosed yourself and are looking for some tips to send your friends, I hope this helps.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@professionalaudie/what-to-do-when-your-adult-friend-is-late-diagnosed-with-autism-c7ace6cee637"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Adult Friend