When Your Adult Children Come Home For a Visit

<p>I just spent a week with my semi-adult children, and it was basically the same as when they were fourteen years old and living in my house all the time. Except now when they come home to visit, they are accompanied by life partners, pets, and legal cannabis.</p> <p>I watched a fully grown man snuggle his pet rabbit and coo affections like &ldquo;Bunny-Baby&rdquo; and &ldquo;Snookems&rdquo; to her. This is a six-foot-three, bearded, grown-ass man. I watched Child Number Two and their partner get way too high on edible cannabis and eat junk food like small famine victims recently released on parole.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/bouncin-and-behavin-blogs/when-your-adult-children-come-home-for-a-visit-21d13f1985e3"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Adult Children