Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents

<p>The only acceptable reason to have kids is that you want to nurture and care for another being. That&rsquo;s it. That&rsquo;s all of the good reasons. Not because you want someone to take care of you on your old age, not because you want them to take on a certain career. None of that. To have such expectations of a child makes it unethical to have one, it lays the foundation for emotional blackmail; as in, &lsquo;I brought you into this world and raised you, had you for this reason so give me that happiness&rsquo; No one owes you anything for the things you do out of your own will for your own sake, not even your children.</p> <p>Growing up in a family with emotionally immature parents is a lonely experience. These parents may look and act perfectly normal, caring for their child&rsquo;s physical health and providing meals and safety. However, if they don&rsquo;t make a solid emotional connection with their child, the child will have a gaping hole where true security might have been. The loneliness of feeling unseen by others is as fundamental a pain as physical injury, but it doesn&rsquo;t show on the outside. Emotional loneliness is a vague and private experience, not easy to see or describe. You might call it a feeling of emptiness or being alone in the world. Some people have called this feeling existential loneliness, but there&rsquo;s nothing existential about it. If you feel it, it came from your family.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Adult Children