I’m Not A Good White Person…

<p>Being a good human is an admirable goal. My problem is, I don&rsquo;t think whiteness can be good. I also don&rsquo;t think it needs to be.</p> <p>Hear me out. I&rsquo;m not implying that having light skin makes one incapable of goodness. Nor am I suggesting that those of us on the paler side should hate ourselves or feel bad about the amount of melanin we have. We have no control over the genetics that determine our skin color, and there&rsquo;s no point in feeling bad about it.</p> <p>The issue lies in the meaning and worth attached to what&rsquo;s deemed white skin &mdash; how whiteness is privileged, protected, and normalized as a standard for all humans. The very idea of whiteness was conceived to set up a human hierarchy, provoke division, and dominate resources. Given that whiteness is a fictitious gauge of humanity and an ideology designed for such destruction, I find it hard to see how it can be redeemed.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/afrosapiophile/im-not-a-good-white-person-9b26064e78e6"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>