How To Break Free From Addictive Behavior

<p>Most addictions begin as a desire to escape from your immediate environment. Life can be challenging, and you can feel the need to withdraw yourself when something unexpected and traumatic happens to you.</p> <p>Furthermore when you don&rsquo;t have someone you can trust it can become that much harder. People who don&rsquo;t feel understood and connected within society tend to experience&nbsp;<strong>emotional disassociation</strong>. It is essential to have positive relationships with other people so that one can feel a sense of belonging.</p> <p>When you are emotionally disconnected, you might wish to distance yourself from or withdraw from relationships that have been<strong>&nbsp;emotionally unsafe&nbsp;</strong>or traumatic for you. It&rsquo;s likely that you were raised in a toxic environment where your&nbsp;<strong>emotional needs weren&rsquo;t consistently met</strong>&nbsp;or that you inherited your parents&rsquo; addictive habits. You might also have joined an unhealthy circle of friends who have addictive behaviors.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>