My Cycle of Addiction and Growth

<p>I&rsquo;ve gone through this cycle before. Far into my depression/addictions, and then I try and get my shit together for a while. Whenever I am working at getting it together, I have typically gone at it full force. I want to be &ldquo;perfect&rdquo; at fixing myself. I push to grow, grow, grow. Then, something happens, and I spiral back down. I do get a lot of growth during that time, but I keep spiraling back down. Why is that?</p> <p>Every time I start working on myself again, I remember that you can&rsquo;t numb just certain feelings. When I choose to numb something, I numb all of my feelings and emotions. There is no selective numbing. Joy isn&rsquo;t as joyful when I&rsquo;m avoiding dealing with my issues because my body and mind are working so hard to not feel what I&rsquo;m considering to be bad. I wonder if the reason I have been repeating the pattern of spiraling back down is because as I&rsquo;m trying to &ldquo;grow, grow, grow&rdquo; I&rsquo;m NOT trying to &ldquo;feel, feel, feel.&rdquo; I&rsquo;m using my head, my emotional intelligence, my intellect to figure things out. I&rsquo;m not&nbsp;<em>dealing</em>&nbsp;with anything; I&rsquo;m justifying and trying to make sense of things. I&rsquo;m finding &ldquo;thinking answers&rdquo; not &ldquo;feeling answers.&rdquo;</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>