Adam Smith Revisited: Beyond the Invisible Hand

<p>Adam Smith is most often associated with his notion of an&nbsp;<em>invisible hand</em>&nbsp;guiding individuals&rsquo; selfish motives and decisions towards mutual benefits through market forces. As such he has been associated with free market capitalism by its proponents and its critics.</p> <p><img alt="" src="*dfPATck_lr3S-zUm.jpeg" style="height:345px; width:700px" /></p> <p><img alt="" src="*sXmsr9DFmn004tJt.jpeg" style="height:330px; width:700px" /></p> <p>However, the association of Adam Smith with the &ldquo;invisible hand&rdquo; of the market has often led to a simplistic interpretation of his intellectual contribution. In this post we discuss how, rather than advocating unbridled capitalism, he described and annotated with great perspicacity the human interactions he observed at individual and societal level, and people&rsquo;s ingenuity and creativity to work more productively through collaboration. His observations were both much more subtle and much richer than the quote that is so often wheeled out. More importantly, his works are as relevant today as they were then, because they tap straight into the foundations of human interactions. Let&rsquo;s put that to the test!</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Adam Smith