Adam Neumann Is Here to Elevate The World’s Blockchains

<p>The prodigal son of entrepreneurship has returned.</p> <p>Fresh off the back of convincing investors that his co-working real estate company (sorry, tech company) was worth $47&nbsp;<em>billion</em>, before a botched IPO, a torrent of&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">yogababble</a>, and the erratic founder himself brought it crashing down, Adam Neumann is back.</p> <p>He&rsquo;s also back doing what he does best &mdash; selling investors on fanciful tales in exchange for their money. And what better industry to enter for a former scammer/grifter than one&nbsp;<em>full to the brim</em>&nbsp;of scammers and grifters? That&rsquo;s right. Neumann&rsquo;s comeback story is taking place on the blockchain through a company he co-founded called Flowcarbon,&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">which</a>&nbsp;&ldquo;operates at the intersection of the voluntary carbon market and Web3, bringing carbon offset credits on chain.&rdquo;</p> <p>In simpler terms, the company&rsquo;s mission is to enable environmentally-beneficial projects to tokenize live carbon credits and sell them to companies looking to reduce their carbon footprint. Then, for some unknown reason &mdash; aside from &ldquo;it&rsquo;s what all the cool kids are doing now&rdquo; &mdash; the blockchain is tacked on, allowing those tokenized credits to be traded on crypto exchanges. The stated reason for using blockchain technology is that it will make raising money easier for the climate projects, be more transparent and allow smaller projects to more easily sell to big polluters. Carbon credit providers will pay a 2% tokenization fee to Flowcarbon to sell their credits on-chain (the company is partnering with the Celo blockchain, the world&rsquo;s first &ldquo;carbon-negative&rdquo; blockchain.)</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>