Book Review — The Golem of Brooklyn by Adam Mansbach

<p>Oh my goodness, what a fantastic read. I don&rsquo;t see a lot of (good) books about Jewish culture and folklore, and this was super refreshing. It is also a very good satire and commentary on the social issues going on for the last however many years. As a Jew, I can relate to a lot of this book.</p> <p>But being Jewish is not even half of why I like this book so much. Not only do we get the story about Len and Miri, but we get histories about The Golem interspersed throughout the book &mdash; from biblical sources, from folkloric sources, and from history itself. And Mansbach connects each of these histories to the issues in this book.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Adam Mansbachs