Why Hong Kong needs Heritage Action Zones

<p>Hong Kong grew up fast in the twentieth century. According to the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat, it has more skyscrapers above 150m than any other city in the world. It&rsquo;s a living encyclopaedia of architecture, new and old. But the city&rsquo;s willingness to reinvent and renew itself shouldn&rsquo;t mean tearing down its rich architectural heritage. In a carbon-conscious era where the most responsible new architecture transforms places that already exist, Hong Kong must have enough buildings by now. It&rsquo;s not just the unsustainable environmental cost, but the loss of the rich cultural layers of Hong Kong&rsquo;s complex history, manifested in buildings that trace the stories of the city through places, districts and streets. Let&rsquo;s not erase any more but celebrate the city by preserving, adapting, cherishing, and reimagining its neighbourhoods and districts.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@purcellarchitecture/why-hong-kong-needs-heritage-action-zones-4b1a2061154a"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Action Zones