Across Russia on trains

<p><em>Hi! We are Fernando and V&iacute;ctor. Both from Argentina, we lived in Buenos Aires before traveling. One of us is an English Spanish translator working remotely and the other devotes his time to social media.</em></p> <h2>Why Russia</h2> <p>Fernando had already been in Russia before, in 2012, and lived in St Petersburg for a couple of months working as an English teacher. He loved Russia! We decided to include the Transsiberian as a huge and very exciting part of our trip around the world.</p> <h2>Prejudices</h2> <p>I know people think that Russians are cold, can be unfriendly and not very into tourists. Also, the drinking vodka stereotype. All of this is complete &ldquo;bullshit&rdquo;, of course! Family and friends normally think of Russia as too cold and too far, but exotic and usually wanting to visit the country. Fortunately, I&rsquo;ve had the chance to invite my parents to St. Petersburg and Moscow, so they can experience it for themselves and they loved it!</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
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