Who is this Karen and why does everyone hate her?

<p>Sorry but there is no Karen. Or rather, there are millions. All across America. Airing their complaints at the customer service counter, lamenting the high price of help and raising their voice to people who can&rsquo;t speak English.</p> <p>And so staff and servers hate her. Especially people of color, many of whom work those shitty low-wage jobs we whites consider beneath us.</p> <p>But it&rsquo;s not her fault. Not entirely. Because ever since the day she was born, people &mdash; parents, teachers, Walt Disney &mdash; have been telling her she&rsquo;s special. A princess among proles. So naturally she believes it.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/dear-dale/who-is-this-karen-and-why-does-everyone-hate-her-20abe5a7d581"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: across America