Reflections on the acquisition of a new language.

<p>Hailing from China, my native tongue is Mandarin. For a programmer, proficiency in English stands as an indispensable skill. Given its status as a universal international language, English enables me to engage in networking and learning endeavors with programmers worldwide.</p> <p>A persistent question that often occupies my thoughts is the methodology behind mastering a language beyond one&rsquo;s native tongue. Despite the fact that English education commenced as early as the third grade in primary school (China follows a system of six years in primary school, three in junior high, three in high school, and four in university), it has been over two decades since I first encountered English. Yet, I find myself unable to wield it with ease. Basic grammatical errors persist, although my reading comprehension may fare slightly better, my proficiency in spoken English hovers close to negligible.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Acquisition